The browser version has a frame rate issue that makes the game unplayable, please download the zip with the game and try the full version!

Instructions to play:

You move "WASD" or the arrows.

You interact with "E".

You skip text with "Space".

Talk to NPCs, and pick up the box next to the quest giver. Carry the boxes to the receiver. Quest-givers have an "exclamation mark", and the quest-receivers will have a "question mark" only if you got their package - that's how you can find them.

Along the way, evade the monsters. If you get hit by the monsters, you will drop the boxes and will have to press "E" to fix them to take them up again.

*** You may pick more deliveries at once, but the more boxes you carry at once, the slower you move - so be careful! ***

!!! But in the current version, there is a bug that prevents you from submitting quests if you carry more than one box. So please, carry one box at a time !!!

This is a demo, so there is no "Win Condition" yet. We will continue updating it with the rest of the content that our dev team prepared - sounds, music, more quests, collectables and a better map.


Download 39 MB


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Cute and fun game, can definitely see it's potential  

Trying to balance the amount to carry reminded me of Death Stranding.

Exactly! :)
In our team, we were joking that it's basically "Death Stranding in the world of Eldenring".